Author: Peter Angel

  • Pride of Workmanship Awards

    Nominations close next week on 4th April, so don’t delay if you’d like to nominate an individual or business in the Loxton district that deserve acknowledgement for their level of service or work ethic. Application forms for either an individual employee award, or business award, are available here – just scroll down to ‘Latest News’.…

  • Welcome to our new website

    This website was established in 2024 to replaced former outdated versions which we will attempt to remove.  Please bear with us as we build our site with more information.  We encourage input – please be gentle

  • District Conference in Loxton

    The District 9510 Conference will be held in Loxton this year in March, from Friday 15th to Sunday 17th. For Registration and up-to-date information, go to the Conference website here. This could be your last chance to experience a District Conference of this type, before Regionalisation changes the way things are done. We’d love to…